Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hallo again! So today was the visit to Holyrood, and I couldn't have asked for better weather: sunny and breezy. I started the hike at the famous Salisbury Crags...

Walked along a ways, and finally got to what we all know I came to Edinburgh for:

(Kind of wish I had so pretty a place named for me)

Okay, so you've hiked the Crags, but that's just the warmup. Everyone knows you go to Holyrood to hike Arthur's Seat. Uhuh. It's kind of tall (see those wee people at the bottom for scale? And you can't even see the people who were at the top)...

But, as I was chasing my lunch up that hill (not literally), up we went (we being my lunch and I, together). Pretty well worth the view, I'd say.

And then down again.

Despite that killer view, the winner of "best photo of the day" contest follows. Off on the hill are the ruins of St. Anthony's Chapel in Holyrood, of which I do have closeups, but this is the prettiest shot.

Presenting Her Majesty's swans (they're Special Swans):

And, just because the other day when I said, "The Scottish Parliament isn't something you want to see," I know the first thing you thought was, "I wonder what it looks like?":

(This is its best side)


  1. You're right. We didn't want to see it compared to all the pretty landscapes. :)

  2. Yep, the lake is out of this world beautiful! I want that one for my office.

  3. What a great hike!! Sarah, what a beautiful place. I hope I get to visit : )

  4. Whoa! The lake shot is amazing. How was lunch at the top?
