Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Just a note:

Today I tried steak and kidney pie. After reading about it in all of those Dickens novels, I was dying to see what it actually was and how it tasted. My response, in the famous words of the waiter when asked about haggis, "I would nae recommend it, sir." Stick to Scotch Pie.

It's a good thing I impulsively purchased dessert at the same time.


  1. What a riot! Kidney pie, can't imagine all that organ meat. I would have ditched the steak and Kidney pie and gone straight for the dessert!

  2. Oh, believe me, after one bite of kindey I did. On the other hand, the sausage and scambled egg with fresh kiwi I made for breakfast was fantastic.

  3. I'm not sure I'd even try that one. Good for you at least giving it a whirl.
